Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

THIS AGREEMENT is made effective December 31st, 2013 between the incorporated Town of Green Mountain Falls, hereinafter referred to as â€Å"Municipality† and Robert W. McArthur, hereinafter referred to as â€Å"Manager†. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to contract with Robert W. McArthur to serve as Town Manager, and Robert W. McArthur desires to accept the position as the Town Manager for the Municipality; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, through a written employment agreement, desires to 1. Secure and retain the services of Robert W. McArthur and to provide inducement for him to remain in such employment 2. Establish employment and working conditions 3. Make possible full work productivity by assuring Robert W. McArthur’s morale and peace of mind with respect to future security 4. Act as a deterrent against malfeasance and dishonesty for personal gain on the part of Robert W. McArthur 5. Provide just means for termination of Robert W. McArthur’s services at such time as he may be unable to fully discharge his duties, or when Robert W. McArthur may otherwise desire to terminate his own employment; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the statutory Town of Green Mountain Falls in the State of Colorado, and Robert W. McArthur believe that a written employment agreement is desirable to serve as the basis of effective communication between them as they fulfill their governance and managerial functions in the operation of the business affairs of the municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Commencement of Services. The Board of Trustees agrees to employ Robert W. McArthur, and Robert W. McArthur agrees to accept the position of Town Manag... ...greement, shall not be construed as thereafter waiving any such terms and conditions, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect as if no such forbearance or waiver had occurred. h. This agreement may be executed in counterpart, and shall become effective upon execution by both parties. The municipality shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Town Manager for any liability that may arise from acts or omissions committed by the Manager where said acts or omissions were made in good faith during the course of and within the scope of municipal employment or volunteer activity for the municipality, or while performing duties as a municipal employee. __________________________________________ Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem __________________________________________ Town Manager (Robert W. McArthur) __________________________________________ Notary

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